While others were jetting off to Northern France, the Walterstown u12 girls travelled north on the M3 to the townland of Drumbaragh.
Making the most of the longer evenings, kick off was at 7:00pm. The Walterstown girls started the first quarter with a storm of 5 fantastic goals and 6 points. The team showed great camaraderie which lead to the first goal by Keelin Foy, followed by a fantastic point by Sadie McCarthy, as well as goals and points from the unstoppable Sarah Jane Lyons. Lucy Reynolds had some great catches and made it near impossible for the ball to get past the mid field area. Zoe Harte made a big contribution to the score line with a lovely goal and point in the first quarter. All the girls showed confidence, determination and great teamwork which continued through the remainder of the game.
In the second quarter, Tiarnach Henry McFadden came into her own. Tiarnach made some great blocks and showed resolve in getting the ball up the field to her team mates which resulted in a further 4 points in the second quarter. Solid passing, catching and retrieving of the ball between all the girls showed the trust and confidence they had in each other. Recoginition and thanks must be given to the coaches, Joey and Chris, for all the diverse skills the girls are learning and putting into practice – all of which will stand to them. (Hope you’re missing them too much Joey while out there singing in France!)
With a few substitutions in the third quarter, the play dynamic changed slightly but focus and determination continued. Mia McGovern, Sadie and Tiarnach shone with tremendous passing between each other. Great pace and catches by Caoimhe McKenna contributed to a further increase in the score line, with Rebecca Roche scoring 3 lovely points from play.
As the sun began to set and the temperature began to drop, the fourth quarter got underway. Drumbaragh made some more substitutions from their huge panel. They never gave up the fight but Kayleigh, Grace, Emma and Aine battled hard in mid field, while Ruby and Amy made great runs and passes up towards the Drumbaragh goal line to allow Keelin and Caoimhe finish up the match in style with 3 more goals.
The team spirit flowed into the dressing room after the match with roars and laughter as the girls stood on the benches doing their victory dance!
As a special note, we would like to wish Grace Deegan a speedy recovery with her arm. Robyn Byrne a quick recovery from a broken arm and to Sinead Boland, we send you our best wishes and look forward to having you back on the team soon.