Following on from the GAA’s decision to suspend all club games last week and given the current national situation, Walterstown Gfc have decided to suspend training for players from U12 level up to adult teams. This will be in place for the next two weeks and the situation will be monitored by our executive committee on an ongoing basis.
Below is a statement from our Chairman Stan Cooney
Following consultation with the club’s executive officers we have decided to suspend training for all competitive age teams from U12 up to adult level for two weeks with immediate effect (starting Monday, October 12). The situation will be monitored on a daily basis thereafter.
Teams from U5 up to U11 level are permitted to continue training but only one session per week is allowed. However, it is imperative that all Covid-19 guidelines are adhered to by coaches and Covid Supervisors. This will be closely monitored by the Juvenile Committee and breaches of same will not be tolerated.
Training for U5s up to U11s normally concludes at the end of October and this should be the case this year too, unless we are instructed to do otherwise by the Government or the GAA before that.
I wish to sincerely thank each and every coach, Covid Supervisor and our players for their superb efforts since we returned to play in the summer.
The safety of our members is paramount and by taking this decision we sincerely hope it will help combat the spread of the virus in our community.
Mise le meas
Stan Cooney
Walterstown GFC Chairman