Child Safeguarding

Walterstown GFC, as members of the GAA and LGFA, recognises that in accordance with legislation and with the requirements of our Codes and Rules that the welfare and interests of children are paramount in all circumstances. It aims to ensure that all children and young people have a positive, developmental and enjoyable experience of Gaelic Games and when participating in our activities that they do so, as far as is practicable, in a safe and enjoyable environment.

Below you will find links to our Child Safeguarding Statement for 2022, our Child Safeguarding Risk Assessment 2022 and our Risk Assessment Management Audit 2022. You will also find useful links to 

Walterstown GFC Safeguarding Statement 2022

Risk Assessment Walterstown GFC 2022

In the GAA any person who carries out a role of responsibility such as coaching, managing or training underage teams or indeed adult teams that contain any player under 18 years of age must be vetted. It also applies to organising underage activities or refereeing underage games.

Please see the below link to the Gaelic Athletic Association, Ladies Gaelic Football Association, the Camogie Association, GAA Handball Ireland and the Rounders Council of Ireland joint Code of Behaviour (Underage). 

Code of Behavior

Please see link below to the GAA’s document for guidance on dealing with and reporting allegations of concerns of abuse.

Guidance for Dealing with and Reporting Allegations and Concerns of Abuse

Here in Walterstown GFC, we have a strict anti-bullying ethos. Below you will find a link to the club’s anti-bullying statement. 

Walterstown GFC Anti Bullying Statement

Our Children’s Officers is Margaret Donnellan and they can be contacted on