For the attention of all adult members: Please be advised that the nomination form for the election of officers for the club’s 2021 executive committee is available in PDF format at the bottom of this article.
The club will host it’s Annual General Meeting on Monday, December 21 and further details of same will be available in the coming days. All information about the AGM will be published here on the club website and across our three social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter). The chairperson’s and secretary’s annual report will also be published on our website.
The nomination form must be returned to club secretary Andy Hennelly on or before the close of business on Friday, December 11, 2020. You can return the completed nomination form via email to
Can members please note that if you wish to nominate any person for a position on the cub’s executive committee, you must ensure that you have the consent of that person prior to returning the completed nomination form to the club secretary. Also, please put the name of the person being nominated first, followed by the names of the proposer and the seconder.
Another point to note is that all parties must be paid up adult members (both players and non players) of the club on or before October 31, 2020. This includes the proposer, seconder and the person being nominated. This is a change to the normal date of March 31 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, as per the GAA rules for 2020 annual general meetings.
For a full list of the current executive committee please click here. Should you require any further information ahead of submitting a nomination form, please contact the club secretary Andy on the above email.
Meanwhile, please click on the link below to download the Walterstown GFC 2020 nomination form.
Walterstown GFC Nomination Form 2020